Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We Made It!

Another vacation on the books. They seem to be getting easier and easier as time goes by. We have been going to the same house for the last nine summers. Same people rent around us. Same kids as the year before. This year it was simple. The boys hopped out of the car, ran their things to their bedrooms, threw on their bathing suits and immediately joined the gang of middle schoolers. Ryan was the youngest, but by far, the most sought after. All this camaraderie left me time to read and knit.
The weather decided to cooperate this year, and we probably had the best weather we have ever had this late in the summer season. Just picture perfect!
We towed our boat to the lake for the first time and had a grand time playing. The boys tubed daily and Matt was able to get in a good deal of water skiing. Ry had a wicked fall so is a bit hesitant to try again. The boat was used primarily for daily fishing treks to a nearby lake. Again, leaving more time to read and knit!
My birthday was celebrate and my wish came true. Hubby was good and listened to me. After seeing all the beautiful macro shots out there on Flickr I was sold on this lens. Not only do my flowers look better, the shots I am getting of the boys are fantastic! Love it!
The week started out at my friend's house across where we rent. They have a huge boulder out on their lakefront that is a must to jump off. I set my camera on Sport and shot away. More pictures will follow. Lighting wasn't the greatest that day though!
All and all we had a great time. We are rethinking about renting where we do, but that's for another post. Knitting soon...I promise!


Tracy Batchelder said...

You got some great shots! Looking forward to seeing some of your other pictures. What camera are you using and what are the specs on your new lens?


Jane said...


Thanks for the compliment. I use a Cannon 20D EOS. My new macro lens is a Cannon EF 100mm 1:2.8. I am really enjoying taking pictures with this lens!

well, hello there...

 I thought I might start writing again.  Not sure what I will want to talk about.  The guys have their own lives and are making...