Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

I was tagged by Camilla. No thinking at all...just what comes to mind first!

1. My three men, when they are happy and laughing!
2. A wonderful homestyle breakfast.
3. My yard in all seasons.
4. Knitting
5. Hosting a dinner party for my very best friends. (I don't do this very often anymore due to our boys' schedule)
6. A large glass of red wine at the end of a day.
7. My books
8. Traveling on big adventures with my boys and husband.
9. Our yearly trip to Seaside Beach
10. Watching the birds on the feeders.
Of course there are many more things, but these are important ones in my life right now! Consider yourself tagged if you want to play along.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thirteen Years Old!

I had a pretty bad incident occur this past week that caused me to pause and question this whole thing called parenthood. Choices we make for our children, actions that we model, placing role models in our kids lives; all there to help our children to become great adults.
At times we make huge mistakes, but I think those mistakes are far out-numbered by the loving and nurturing environment that we try to create for our children.
It is our responsibility to help our children experience the good, the bad and the ugly, learn from those experiences and hopefully, make good choices when we aren't around.
Matt is on his way. The roller coaster years are ahead of us and what fun it will be! Conversations are inquisitive. Laughter is abundant. And the moodiness is showing! All right on track to becoming a young adult!
We're proud of you Matt. Go set the world on fire!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

5 things...February Break Style

It's Winter Break here in our neck of the woods. The boys have been skiing during the day and skating at night. Hockey is almost over....it all depends what happens this weekend. So without further adieu...my five things...

1.We hosted a soup supper on Saturday. Four types of soup, salad, bread, wine and a few good friends on a snowy evening. Great fun!

2. My husband got into the mix with the boys' terrain park. We are now known as the neighbors with the "sick" jump.

3. Valentine's Day was spent at the rink...but I did receive roses. Lovely ones at that!

4. Planning for a big birthday later in the week...

5. Buddy has been happy that the boys are home...well, maybe....poor dog!

and #6...as I write this I can hear birds chirping! Maybe spring will be here...eventually!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm Here....

and having fun!

We have been busy, busy here at Upper Pond. So until I have time to write a regular post, I'll leave you with some warm weather pictures. I'm thinking that my mid-atlantic friends might find these especially comforting right about now! See ya!

well, hello there...

 I thought I might start writing again.  Not sure what I will want to talk about.  The guys have their own lives and are making...