Friday, May 28, 2010


A calm reflective moment for my "guy in motion."
Never a dull minute around here with this kid.
Laughing, joking, jumping, spinning.
Doing things his way, in his time, yet it all gets accomplished.
He's in a much happier place this year and it shows in all he does.
He's worked hard over the year, maturity has played a large part.
We're proud of his accomplishments and oh, so glad he's in our lives.
Happy Birthday Ryan!
It goes without saying, we love you tons!


Tanya Marie said...

Birthday wishes! My guy turns 11 on Tuesday - what a ride with this kid.... fun all the time mixed with motion is right. LOL


MadMad said...

Happy happy day, Ryan!

Pomegranategrl said...

Happy Birthday! Happy wishes to Mom too!

RW said...

ah sweet 11
happy birthday to your son.

rosemary said...

he sounds like a great fella.

happy,happy birthday Ryan!

ColorSlut said...

Happy birthday!!!

a friend to knit with said...

aww. i missed the big day!!!
SO sorry!!! happy birthday RYAN!

Sandy said...

happy belated birthday, ryan!

well, hello there...

 I thought I might start writing again.  Not sure what I will want to talk about.  The guys have their own lives and are making...