These are the two special people that touched my boys' lives for the last ten months. We have been pretty lucky with the pick of teachers in our small district. Probably because I voice my opinion of what I believe a child's education should entail and how that teacher imparts it to our children.
It took me a long time to go to speak with the principal about certain problems that were of a concern in our schools. People were irritated about the lack of writing and reading that was not being covered in the curriculum. Teaching methods were out of date for the students of today's world. Teachers were not willing to try new methods because it was too much work.
I was afraid to approach the principal for fear I would be labeled "that mother that complains all the time." I had been on the other side before kids, and I knew how teachers responded to parents that voiced complaint. So I spoke up and got some results for my two boys. But, I also encouraged other parents to speak up. The more the school knew that these were our concerns, things hopefully would change.
I can't say things are changing as quickly as I had hoped. Our district is a well-educated one so kids are going to achieve even without the help of the school district. But methods and philosophies are beginning to move in a more up to date direction.
So I thank the two people that have a future vision for our children. They have helped to continue our goal of creating life-long learners.