Monday, January 13, 2014


 I was thinking today, as I was using the cattle prod, to get my boys up for school.
I've mellowed as I've grown into this role of motherhood.
I use to micro manage, and if you asked my kids, they would say that I still do.
But, I'm beginning to let go a bit.
Let them be.

As I do this, I think to myself:
Will one be able to feed himself in college?
or get up on time?
Will one even go to college?
and where might their travels take them?
Will one ever clean his room without being asked?
And the other one settle his serious side down a bit.

I have no answers but have come to the revelation that I have moved from being the micro-mom to the macro-mom. Looking at the whole world and hoping that they will be prepared.
Discovering that in the grand scheme of things, if their clothes are on the floor or they only eat ramen, they will survive.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


It's like a dream world
Full of beautiful colors
Dancing all together.

And there's your haiku for the day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Life's work never done.

I was going to write about how my life's work is my guys..blah,blah blah.

But right now, my life's work is the ordinary, everyday stuff.

That's it.

Glamorous isn't it?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Habits or lack thereof....

Creating new habits is tough.  What do they say, that you have to do something over twenty times before it's called a habit. I'm not good at breaking old habits let alone creating new ones. I try to not bite my fingernails, yet do when I'm tired or stressed. I watch too much television and drink too much on occasion. But, seeing that it's a new year I'll try and commit to a few new ones.

-continue on my journey of patience.
-read more
-continue to knit
-keep my desk organized
-excercise on a regular basis
-drink more water

That should do it for now. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, January 3, 2014


It's 3am and the sound of the baby monitor is piercing my sleep. Soft cries are waking me as I slowly open my eyes. I pull my head up and place my feet to the floor. Quietly, I walk to his room where he is waiting for me. I lift him and we make our way down to the kitchen. He and I pace the floor as we wait for his formula to warm. Finally, we sit and he snuggles in as he slurps his midnight snack. I smell his sweet breath and feel his smooth skin. He speaks in gurgles and grunts as he happily drinks. I switch on the television (something the books tell me not to do) and watch a silly show on Food Network. As he finishes, he smiles at me and gently reaches out and grabs hold of my finger and falls asleep. I want time to stand still.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

...something new

I made bread today. That, in itself is not new. I've been making my own bread for years.So I decided to find a new recipe. 
 Today was extra wintery and it just called for bread. I needed to smell it baking in our home. 
Today it was just needed.  To comfort me.
To welcome the month of January.
To warm the house.
It did what it was intended to do.
and I will be baking it again.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1

Happy New Year!

Well I certainly failed at posting each day in the month of December! What was I thinking anyway? I can't seem to post twice a week anymore let alone everyday!  Well the intention was there, so that's something, I guess.

Here's wishing you a wonderful 2014. I hope it's filled with fantastic journeys, happiness and just plain fun.

Ryan was asking me today why New Year's Day is such a celebration.  I explained that people use this date to start fresh and create new possibilities.  He thought a minute and then said, " Mom, everyday should be used to create a new possibility. It's just up to the person to decide."

A wise soul at age fourteen.

well, hello there...

 I thought I might start writing again.  Not sure what I will want to talk about.  The guys have their own lives and are making...