Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1

Happy New Year!

Well I certainly failed at posting each day in the month of December! What was I thinking anyway? I can't seem to post twice a week anymore let alone everyday!  Well the intention was there, so that's something, I guess.

Here's wishing you a wonderful 2014. I hope it's filled with fantastic journeys, happiness and just plain fun.

Ryan was asking me today why New Year's Day is such a celebration.  I explained that people use this date to start fresh and create new possibilities.  He thought a minute and then said, " Mom, everyday should be used to create a new possibility. It's just up to the person to decide."

A wise soul at age fourteen.


fjord girl said...

Happy New Year Jane to and your family. What a super fun clip- great work! Wishing you a most wonderful 2014.

MadMad said...

Happy New Year, Jane! Wise words indeed! Here's to thinking of every day as a fresh start!

well, hello there...

 I thought I might start writing again.  Not sure what I will want to talk about.  The guys have their own lives and are making...