Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Making and Creating...

Are you a planner or a fly-by-the-seat of your pants type of person? Me, I'm the one that sees something and wants to do it then...not in a week or a year, but right then and now. And then, whatever I've tried to plan, usually it's a total fail. Both ways are good and both ways have their place in the world. But, I think it's when you least expect it, that the great stuff happens.
I think of this picture often, when trying to plan. This picture was supposed to be planned, but took about three seconds and I was one crabby mom when I took it.
A few years back we went to Washington D.C. It was the last stop (other than London) on our National Treasure tour. The only place I had on my list was the Vietnam Memorial. We could go anywhere else, but this was the one place I wanted to go and I wanted to spend time taking pictures.
We got there, only after we visited Arlington National Cemetery (which just doesn't do it for young boys and where one of them knocked over a barrier during the Changing of the Guard) and then walking to the Lincoln Memorial...(look, it's just a short walk) and nearly getting killed crossing a traffic circle, But there was Lincoln and I wanted to get a cool shot of him, but my dad called and I had to talk about someone dying that we all knew. Then, crossing the park...but first stopping to get a overpriced drink and chips and trying not to get wet because it started to rain.
But, I could see it...and we walked right to it. And I had my camera and I was trying to explain to the boys the symbolic nature of it all and why it was designed the way it was and there was Matt, complaining that he was wet and Ryan...yes, he found another barrier to snap and knock over. And I looked for my husband, who was off talking to a veteran and I was just so utterly disgusted by the whole process that I just snapped it.
And I got it.
Every time I look at this picture, I think of all the memories that preceded it. So, I'm wondering, what was your mistake? What did you do that was totally unexpected and it turn out fantastic?
I'm interested....


Denise | Chez Danisse said...

Such a great story. The whole scenario surrounding meeting my husband was totally unexpected. It was all a mistake, we broke all the rules. It turned out fantastic. I couldn't be happier. You never know...

Rose said...

Hmm, I'll have to think about that. Great picture though!

Unknown said...

Oh Jane, what a wonderful post, you conjure the moment so perfectly and it's fabulous picture.

I am not really a planner, more a lazy kind of, as the mood takes me kind of girl.

Jo's Corner said...

Beautiful picture, Jane. To me, the young girl in your photo captures all the lost potential of those honored by this very poignant memorial.

Rachel said...

That is an outstanding photo Jane. Loved the story and the idea that good things can come from the unexpected. I guess I'm very similar to Denise...meeting and marrying my husband was unexpected, broke a lot of rules (some literal) and really changed the course of my life...who knows if it was for the better (how do you compare to a life not lived), but one I'm very happy with.

lapdogknits said...

I'm a planner, always trying to control every aspect of the world around me...then the rug was pulled out from under me - my best friend/husband was sick...very sick as a person could be and still be alive. I was shown to enjoy each day, one day at a time and to hand over the steering wheel because I will NEVER be in control of anything - it was the best thing that ever happened to me - my husband? He's here with me today and well....:)

well, hello there...

 I thought I might start writing again.  Not sure what I will want to talk about.  The guys have their own lives and are making...